My work with Peter was pivotal to beginning major life changes and tremendous personal healing. I began to meet with Peter during a time i was facing significant challenges and was in emotional pain. My experience with Peter was the catalyst for taking huge risks and making life changes that I was not willing to chance before. I am so glad I did. I experience life differently now - and see life in more vibrant color than I did prior. I continue my growth, and believe Peter helped to lay the foundation for this new continuing journey I am on. I am grateful.
Theresa Mignone Klostermann

Peter's modality helped me overcome a Belief system that was impeding my growth. My self esteem, confidence and energy are at an all time high.I'm lighter physically and emotionally. If you're feeling "stuck" on life, I'd highly recommend working with him!
Ka Fitzpatrick

The most interesting aspect about Peter’s work is that you can go for one “fix” and get a whole bunch of other issues in your life taken care of. He is extremely intelligent and well researched. I found the hypnotism part was not at all what the stereotype is. It is more of a guided meditation thru your life and relationships. I would use his suggestions and the positive changes in so many areas of my life have come to be.Hypnosis is not Blackstone Jr. making you “ bark like a dog”. It’s your own thoughts and experiences helping you to do the right thing. All the answers are within and that’s where Peter takes you.
Tim Hackbarth

There isn't just a line or two to "sum up" the changes in my life that have occurred since I walked through your door. My ENTIRE life changed. How I see me, my family and the world as a whole has improved. I came to see you about my weight. Not only has that changed but my marriage has improved, our farm is feeding more people and the relationships I have with others has FOREVER changed for the better. Like I said earlier, since meeting and working with you- it is like the lock has been broken on my life and I can fully absorb all that life has to offer and more. The possibilities where your influence can touch are endless. Thank you! I had no idea life could be this wonderful. I only wish I found you sooner. I truly am eternally grateful.
Deborah Robbins-Miller

came in to see Peter for weight loss. I would stop losing weight after about a 50LB loss, and despite eating right and working out with a trainer, I would hit a wall. I was referred to him by a loved one and gave it a shot. Best. Decision. Ever. I came into the process a skeptic, but open to trying anything new. Peter instantly put me at ease. We had a great conversation, which made the process less stressful. I kept thinking I was going to do it wrong. It's hard for me to describe what happens, but it is real and it is transformative. I've had a few breakthroughs and it takes me days to process what, and how, I feel. I think the best affirmation of the process is that I have told many people I care about, about Peter. I ask them first to listen to his free videos, then consider seeing him, in person. To date, I've told at least 30 people. Even if you don't think it'll work, please give it a shot. Best thing I've done for myself in many years.
Jacqueline Henry

What a great experience ! Went into the session already believing in the benefits of hypnosis. However, after Peters thoughtful, insightful questioning, he had fully prepared me for a deep session. I was able to see and feel things that I NEVER would have imagined possible in such a short time. Ever known the feeling of " lightness" as if a weight had been lifted from you ? That's EXACTLY what I felt when done. I am anxiously looking forward to my next session. Small investment for what I got out of it. Thank you !
Larry Sullivan

I found Peter on the internet at a time when I was so stuck in limitation that I barely moved out of my comfort zone. I’d been to several different therapists over the years, and had done quite a bit of spiritual growth work. But all growth in any direction had been stagnant when I decided to try hypnosis. Fortunately, I was guided to Peter’s sparkling face and I knew instinctively that he was the facilitator for me. God bless Peter – and my intuition! I am so thankful for Peter’s patience, integrity, good-humor, acute insight, open mindedness, radiance, and skillful guidance. I had doubts after the first session that I’d actually been hypnotized. I thought I should have been in a sort of daze; instead, I remained quite conscious of all that occurred. I concluded that I had blocked the process and that, in my anxiety to please, I had manufactured scenarios using my imagination. When I expressed my doubts to Peter at the second session, we set all else aside and Peter spent the time reviewing the first session from the perspective of his professional knowledge and experience. I noticed that his ego -- if he has one -- never entered the picture. I felt so much lighter after that consultation. After each session with Peter, I was awarded a gift from the Universe. It was so obvious that I was on the right track. The biggest gift came a few weeks into the sessions when I was invited to join an experimental study group that I had longed to be part of for 2 years. The group work involves intuitively going inside for all information, guidance, and direction. Therefore, as part of the rules of engagement, I needed to become independent of looking outside of my higher self for assistance. This meant no more hypnosis sessions. However, I have sent Peter periodic emails ever since because the information that came through – the stuff that I doubted! -- turns out to be concretely and directly related to the core of my life’s Path – and I need Peter to know how grateful I am for the awakening he offered that gives me the strength to continue on the Path no matter the set-backs. He was the key that unlocked the door to the many rooms of my highest and deepest Self. And, by the way, I dropped 55 pounds within a year of listening to a few rounds of Peter’s weight loss CD. That CD heals on so many levels. I remember going to a grocery store in the early days, walking through the baked goods section and hearing, “Sugar is poison,” and walking on by without a second glance. It’s a nice feeling to be in control of my choices -- and to be slipping into my clothes instead of stuffing myself into them! Again, forever grateful. Thank you, Peter. You are The Example many of us are hoping to become. May you Always be Blessed!
Shirley Harvanka

I was very skeptical about trying hypnosis but upon talking with Peter I knew this was the next best step for me. You can hear it in his voice, the sincerity, the open-mindedness, the true compassion and care he has for his clients is unmatched, especially in this area The reason I was suspicious about hypnosis is because I didn't want anybody getting into my mind and implanting subliminal messages. That's not what Peter does at all. In my opinion, Peter's role is to help me relax enough to tune into my own inner guidance and get the questions answered that I need answered right now. Peter is a facilitator. He is helped me in more ways than I can count. I literally do not know where I would be without his expertise and kindness. If you're struggling with any kind of challenge in your life, you've been led to this webpage for a reason, a very good reason. Call him and see for yourself.
Christina Louise Gale

Working with Peter has been life changing. I have overcome old mindsets that had been holding me back. I am now embracing a world of new opportunities and better understanding of myself because of our work. I am grateful.
Dr Theresa M.

After one coaching session with Peter I noticed an immediate improvement in how I felt emotionally and physically. He allowed me to see my life in a way that I never could have on my own, and his knowledge is so vast that you leave there wanting more and more of it. If you want to unleash your potential and create a better life ASAP, Peter will show you how.
Greg Liberto

Our hypnosis session was a Life changing event experience I'm so ever blessed n grateful for. I say our" because with out Petes direction guiding me to my angels, guides, God ,higher self/ whatever you choose to believe in I would have not have been so easily n quickly altered to this new life's path experience that i am now on that' I know is leading me to my life long dreams. The past life regression session I had assisted me in letting go of a toxic commitment " that no longer served my best n highest interest. I was directed to rewrite my scrip" in life n let go of the karma n contract I felt I needed to fulfill in this life time with this relationship I was in. I now feel more confident and in control knowing I no longer need to serve this relationship in this life time. I am at peace and in control using my power and not giving it away. Ty for the great experience n life changing events that are unfolding.
MaryAnn Giroux

Peter offers a very grounded and compassionate hypnotherapy service to his clients. His style is open, non-judgmental and instantly puts you at ease. He will go with you as far into a topic as you are willing to go. For anyone looking to move past old unresolved issues, work through a current physical symptom or complaint, or just gain a renewed sense of inner strength and confidence, I would highly recommend Peter and Blue Sky Hypnosis!
Lesley M.

I'm so happy I found Blue Sky Hypnosis. I feel my life changing, because of Peter. So many wounds have been healed and closed. Wounds from my childhood and my adult life were holding me back. Peter helped me discover them and helped me face them. I do not have the words to express how happy I have become. I highly recommend Blue Sky Hypnosis.
Tracey N.

I went to Peter for help with the fear of needles. This is something that has caused me a lot of anxiety for the past 30 years. This fear kept me from following my dreams. The dreams of being a nurse. Not only did Peter help me work through my fears but he was very encouraging. He truly made be believe I could do what ever I set my mind to. It was like having a life coach, I have never had one:) I imagine if I did it would be like him! I highly recommend him!!
Annette P.

"Hypnosis with Peter has resolved the majority of my medical problems including: GERD, IBS, chronic diarrhea, chest pain, epigastric pain along with anxiety, anger and resentment. He helped me by utilizing hypnosis to find and resolve past and present life issues - I'm still reeling from the experience. What a gift!" -- Jim Pilc, MD
Dr. Jim Pilc

"MY session was with my council telling me my spirit name is ISHA and showing me Egyptian looking symbols of my guides who are always enfolding me with great love. Compassion and balance were my lessons. I thank Peter for helping me to reconnect with and love myself even more."
Barbara Miller

"As I look back on our journey with Kyle, it is apparent to me that without hypnosis from Peter McLaughlin we would still be having brain surgery on Kyle. He is now on yearly scans and still tumor free. He made a documentary on angelightfilms.org showing kids that he can do the same things any kid can do and if you're diagnosed with a brain tumor you can conquer it and beat it. Thank you Peter! You will always be in our hearts!"
Pam Picard

"Peter provides a safe, welcoming environment within and without for connecting with the deepest causes of our conditions. I could not have achieved my miracle without his help. I am someone who has suffered from deep-seated anger, frustration, emptiness, apathy, and PTSD. I have been in abusive and co-dependent relationships. I am now free of the numbness I have experienced for over 15 years. It is now safe to feel."
A. H.

"I just wanted to thank you. To give you a little validation. The work you do - is amazing. You have a gift that goes beyond the clinical applications and the lovely cadence of your voice. You have a little magic in you, Peter"
Jessica D.

I have always been open to this sort of thing, but have never experienced hypnosis for myself for one reason or another. Peter came highly recommended by multiple people in my life and he definitely lived up to both his reputation and my expectations. He makes you feel very comfortable and relaxed as he digs his heels in to get to the root cause of whatever you may be dealing with in your life before going in and assisting you with addressing the core issue(s). I am extremely grateful for the opportunity I was given to bring Peter into my life and I look forward to continuing my work with him as a coach on my life's path with purpose. Thank you Peter!!!
Eric Zimmerman

Peter at BlueSky Hypnosis has changed my life in just about every positive way. I came with him with some anxiety issues and a general lack of motivation and purpose, and Peter helped me with every aspect of my life with his hypnosis. He is extremely gifted, experienced, and empathetic, and knows the right questions to ask. He will also help me work through any specific issues when I come to him that day. I am sure I would not be where I am today without him. He deserves every one of his 5 stars.
Ben Allen